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what am i supposed to do

shoot bad guys

find keys

open doors

exit level

where are the keys

example on first level - use button (right click to lower the platform), then pick up key card and use that to open the door with a blue stripping pattern.


Great adaption. I love playing this on my mobile.

(1 edit)

So pretty...

Too bad i'm broke.

thanks and no problem - come back when rich :]


Am i stupid and this is a joke or you don't know that this is free?


some people like contributing and feel ‘bad’ using the free path.

is the new mac link out




This is a very nice port/remake. Very true to the original game as far as possible. Great work! Would you be interested to make more content (levels/monsters/weapons) please? I finished but I'd like to play some more of this. Kind regards -CodeImp, Pascal van der Heiden



the project was already a huge undertaking, so far no plan for new levels.

That said, the game uses standard Doom tools, so you can roll your own custom levels.

Is there a button to switch weapons. Because I ran out of ammo in one gun and couldn't switch.

middle mouse button opens weapon wheel

Thank You

love playing old school doom 

an amazon original;)

Wonderfully done, but did anyone here have any luck running the game under retro8_libretro?

You have talent boy. After some time I taught this made Romero itself. Please continue in this. Also question. Will you add pistol and other guns and demons and of course more songs?

PS: It is possible to increase rate of fire on Plasma gun?

Art is @paranoidcactus, thanks!

And: no, no and no ;)

That is sad because I like it. And I want more levels. 

This game is a total blast and the reason I'm now playing Quake AGAIN (yeah I know Doom was the main inspiration but well) along with Poom and offered you 2 beers ;). Only complain though, the mouse is trapped as long as the game is running: can't use Chrome or any other program on Windows unless I quit Poom to get the pointer back. Nope, Alt+Tab does not work :). Is there a way to untrap the mouse in-game, like in most emulators, or to add this option? By pressing a key maybe, or unfocussing the game, or when Pico-8 regular menu appears (with 2x ESC or ENTER)?


(and Quake is also dear to my heart!)

escape should do the trick (as mouse capture requires a click on the game)

Hi Fred, thanks for your reply, alas pressing ESC does not work, nor the Win key or any other. I forgot to precise this concerns the desktop version in a window (not fullscreen) on Win 7 64 bits. Poom app traps the mouse as soon as the pointer flies over its window, no click is needed, even if this window isn't focused. Focusing another window has no effect either (except if this other window covers Poom window). I also tried flying a bit over the unfocused Poom windows, get outside it and click anywhere on Windows desktop, in case it was just the pointer that got hidden, but no, the mouse is indeed trapped in Poom once the pointer hovers its window. I finally found 2 ways to untrap the mouse though, maybe you'd want to share them:
- press Alt+Tab and release Tab key (keeping Alt pressed), it brings the mouse pointer back, just move it outside the Poom window to keep it back.
- launch Poom so that its windows is over another app's larger window. To get the mouse pointer back, just Alt+Tab to switch to this other app.
So the Pico-8 mouse trap trick works well and thanks for that, as it gives Poom the FPS experience we all want, but it works a bit too well :). IMO the untrap should be made easier for the user, by, say, releasing the pointer as soon as the game is unfocused (alt+tab, win key...) and should trap the mouse only when clicking on it (the "back to game" click being ignored by the game itself). This is more a Pico-8 than a Poom issue, maybe it's something you'd like to report to Zep ;)

standalone is using an early version of pico - final should have pause menu to unlock mouse (agree pretty annoying atm)

How does the standalone version works ? I can't have to run it ! 

(2 edits)

launch pico8; type:


extract zip into that directory (e.g. "carts")

launch splore and select poom_0

or execute console commands:

load poom_0.p8

This game. I love it. I have been having just the most fun I've had in a long while. I do have some complaints, like the lack of Auto Map or Auto Aim, which can help. But It's not too much of a problem with the level design.

It's all a really great package that really leaves me craving more. I would absolutely love to see a sequel to this. Or even better, a unique stand alone title that uses this Engine to build it. And if it fixes the issues I've mentioned, I will definitely be getting that, even if I have to pay for it. I'm looking forward to see what you create in the future.

how do you make this style may i ask


limited resolution and palette + mad artistic skill from @gamecactus


Just amazing! This is pure art!

(1 edit)

thank you for this game i love it :) and how to delete slot?


what do you mean? reset savegame?

nevermind i throught thus game using slot mode and i really enjoyed this game alot

and i finished it thanks for this game :)

will i play this in split screen mode i mean it says 2 player

This is really cool. :) [I did get stuck in a few areas tho.]

This is so rad I enjoyed that a lot and it is super cool that you used Pico8. Yeah, I hope ID will see this and give a shout out cuz this is lots of work for a pretty much fan port of a game. I think the only thing I had a problem with was that it was hard to strafe, but I think the original was just as hard to strafe in too, so grain of salt. This is great keep making, please!!!! 

(1 edit)

Is it possible to merge everything in a single or multi-load cart for Pico-8 vemu?

don’t know what vemu is but standalone zip carts is available for download 

virtual-emulator of course ;) My question was: instead of loading separate files, would be possible to merge everything in a single Pico-8 file and/or make it dynamically load the levels ("multi-load")? It's annoying having to load manually single levels...

cannot do that

Something still missing in Pico-8? Will ask to its author...


let me see...

doom on snes? check.

pregnancy test? check.

pico 8?.... check!

while i cannot really tell if its good or bad as im not a doom player, i think the game is very playable. im guessing nightmare wasnt too implementable, but im not gonna complain honestly.


this sounds like the start to a dr seuss poem
doom on snes?

pregnancy test?

pico 8?

doom on a vape?

how do you make this old doom style

It said that fineder cannot open it

I am on mac btw

A new Mac version will be posted in a few weeks time - stay tuned.

ok thanks btw I really liked your games and they don't eat that much space



(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, really amazing, good job making it in pico-8 to. I have really enjoyed playing it.

I found a bug; in the halls of eternal pain just after I had picked up the plasma gun. I was holding the shotgun and was firing plasma projectiles using shotgun ammo. Also the sprite for the pickup had changed into the hand-held sprite for the plasma gun.

I just wanted to share it. It's not really a game breaker.

can you reproduce the bug and post a gif (F9 or camera icon on web to record)?

(2 edits)

I was able to, but not when I was recording it, I saw your reply today and tried a few times. (I dont have more time to do this today, sorry.)

If you open the weapon selection wheel while picking a weapon up the weapon sprite changes to the hand-held version.

This can happen because you slide a little bit after you stop moving. Maybe also if you open it the same frame you collect the weapon, I'm not sure.

If you switch weapons exactly when you pick another weapon up, the weapon starts firing the wrong projectiles.

When I found this I switched from the chaingun to the shotgun when picking the plasma gun up.

I just found a similar bug while I was playing Level 3 (Avernus Annex). When I got the chaingun in the first secret area, the chaingun's pickup sprite turned into the same sprite as when the chaingun is held in your hand. It fired more rapidly than normal, and firing the shotgun or punching with the fist also fired the faster chaingun's bullets at the same time!

I've only been able to pull this off twice. I've tried for a couple hours trying to replicate it a 3rd time with no luck. By the way, I was playing on a slightly-modified version I made where the E and D keys affect Poomguy and the monsters' gravitational forces.

I think this bug has to do with object-oriented programming anomalies. Retro Game Mechanics Explained made a video some time ago going further in-depth about what I mean. But I don't have time to check so sorry.

I just pulled off the same glitch in the same level! I was trying to run from the Lost Soul following me when going in the secret area, only for me to accidently trigger the glitch. I don't think I even had the weapon selector open! I just ran into the pickup sprite and... voila!

press pause on the loading screemn

known glitch

please no-one remove it


This is truly awesome. A close replica of the original doom with a both a beautiful sound and visual design. Nice work!

(2 edits) (+1)

Great! is there a way to set it as my favorite control scheme?

- keyboard for: forward / back / strafe

- mouse for: turn & fire.

EDIT: Oh! forget it! I was using cursor keys. With ESDF (as recomended) is perfect!


cool - latest update should make controls a lot clearer hopefully.

Poom was a blast to play. I enjoyed the art style as well.

very nice

It's very good and a lot of fun

can i ask which game engine did you use?


the runtime is pico8 - a fantasy console. The engine itself is homemade.


thanks. Good game :)

(1 edit)

This is an amazing Doom remake, just one question: how do I complete The Sanctum Of Torment level?

Edit: nvm I've found out how



Final boss is a HP sponge - keep firing ;)

Got to play it and honestly really surprised at how amazing this game is. Definitely going to play more of this. Can't wait to see what comes out next.

nice gameplay

Thanks a lot for the standalone version <3

This is great, how does it fit on a pico-8 cartridge though?


simple - it fits in 16 carts :D

Simply incredible! This feels more fun than playing the original Doom, somehow. Amazing accomplishment!

make a save feature for web version

(1 edit) (+1)

is there any cart so that i can play it through pico-8?


done (see standalone zip)

oh thank you very much


I am absolutely blown away by this. People have made amazing things with all kinds of ideas and game engines ever since "indie dev" was a thing, but I don't think anything will ever top this for me as far as "how the HELL did they do this?!" question goes. Thank you for this.

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